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Website is under development, information will be updated soon.

Okay, guys, we're serious and we know we're constantly postponing the game, but you have to be sure that we're trying to do the best, and it's really hard with a small team, okay, now let's see what we're doing, I'm adding a few things to you below, and I'll open a new topic as we update from now on. 🙂


What has been added

-The map has been completely overhauled (We are making a fully optimized arrow, but it's still not completely finished, it's really getting longer and longer, it's annoying)

-More details have been introduced in the vehicle systems(For example, physics and interior mechanics)

-Fixed a few bugs with the character (The character is still acting like a teenager, we're really trying to solve it)

-Improvements have been made to the telephone system

-The radio system was brought for the car (Hey don't tell anyone we haven't got a license yet):rolleyes:

-We are trying to adapt it to the new engine with the new update, I hope we will adapt it now and you will at least start playing the game, I really want that very much.

Okay, it's been so late for now, I need to sleep now, guys, I'll see you later🛌

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On 2/5/2023 at 2:56 AM, Guest Andrew said:

Hello we have been adding new designs and features on the website for a few days now here are some of them! 🆒


-The theme has been edited again and a new one has been added.

-Fixed the pairing issue in the Steam login.

-Added a new logo for incoming emails.

-New languages have been added (Turkish and Russian).

-Several new animations have been added.


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