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Dear Players,

First and foremost, we are thrilled to announce that Realife Simulator is now available on all platforms in Early Access! Thank you so much for being part of this journey and supporting us.

Let us be transparent: Realife Simulator is currently in Early Access, and we want to set clear expectations from the beginning. This is just the start. The game is in its foundational phase, and we acknowledge that we haven’t made grand promises yet. But that doesn’t mean we’re not committed to growth.

We are dedicated to improving the game with major updates every week, making it more engaging, expansive, and tailored to your expectations. Your experiences, suggestions, and constructive feedback are incredibly valuable to us during this process. Our community’s input is the compass guiding the development of Realife Simulator.

We understand that Early Access games might not fully meet expectations at first, which can sometimes lead to refund requests. However, we kindly ask for your patience and trust in the project. Rest assured, our team is working tirelessly to make the game better every single day.

We hope you’ll continue this journey with us and witness the potential of Realife Simulator as it unfolds. Together, we can turn this game into something truly extraordinary.

Thank you in advance for your patience, understanding, and support. We’ll remain transparent throughout the development process and keep you updated every step of the way.

Enjoy the game!
The Realife Simulator Team

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