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Today I want to share exciting news about incredible help. Realife Simulator is now officially approved by Steam!🎉 It was a really long and difficult journey to achieve this goal. During the development process, we were able to detail and design every detail and do our best to make the game the best. Now we are happy to take this journey to the next stage with you. With the support of Steam, the early access version of the game will meet you very soon, on January 10. We want to further popularize and perfect the game with the feedback from the early access process. It will not expand in this process, but will shape both the solution and the economy of the society. Thank you all for the support and patience you have had so far. This project is not just a game, it is a platform where we all come together and grow together. Now, at this moment, we have to leave this world together! Stay tuned for more updates and content. Don't forget to share your opinions, suggestions and excitement. Sharing this journey with them is a great source of motivation to unite our dreams. Thanks again everyone and to be chosen!

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